Thursday, September 20, 2007

Feed the Hungry

Recently, I've found a new friend. She hides under a very Pretty Persuasive page. Is a beautiful human being named Hsin-Chi Berenst. She's from the Netherlands and she describes herself as an Anglophile who likes to smell medieval manuscripts; recites bad poetry when drunk; believes in amor vincit omnia (Love conquers all) and God ; is prone to mild eccentricities; can be bribed with books, wine, poetry and a nice cup of tea.
So far so good. Interested?
If you dare to visit her page don't get disappointed if you find some old english writings or some latin poetry posted on her blog.
You can also find very good music that you have never heard before, some interesting recommendations of websites and more important, she supports social causes like the one below that I have copied and pasted.

"Another step to get closer to heaven:

This website is sponsored by loads of companies and/ or individuals who donate money and food to the hungry. All you have to do, as a visitor, is to click on the 'Feed the Hungry' button and you will have donated 1,1 cups of food to someone. It sounds easy and it is. So clear your conscience, begin your day with an altruistic deed and hit that knob".

I don't know If I'd get closer to heaven but I thought that the cause was worthy anyway and I did it. I clicked that button.
So far, I don't feel any regrets. Quite the contrary.

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